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Oh the time’s they are a changing…. Festivals then and now.

I was recently scrolling through the beautiful images captured from Woodstock and then found myself comparing them to current festival fashion. For example, events such as Coachella bring in some of the world’s most gorgeous people. I started to swoon over those images as well.  I couldn’t help but notice what a difference 50 years makes! Wow our generation is spoiled! I do have to say the OG’s did have way better music though…. Enjoy.

 So we start off not to different… Just replace regular people with models and designer duds.

And here we start to plummet. Fuck me that is Paris Hilton.
And now the tiny Kardashians…


Why bring a friend when you can bring your bodyguard?

The expense of the original Woodstock was about 18 bucks for all three days. Coachella ranges from 1000 to 8000. Which mean celebs do ridiculous things that ruin a festival.
This is how this young gal got to Woodstock…

Fast forward to these fuckers…

Amenities anyone?


The times have changed and looking at this last tent picture I almost get it. Xoxo

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